Divya Jyothi Convent, Bethnoti

"Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world"

From the beginning, education has been SABS chosen field of apostolate. It is not just a profession, but a sacred call for the total formation of the human person as much for his/her own enrichment as for the service of the society and the nation, in the spirit of Christ. Considering the time of need and the need of the society of this locality in 2014 Divyajyothi Region started a school in Bethnoty. In the beginning, sisters were coming from Gurdulia community where our Provincial house is situated presently.

Though it is not very far, only 12 k.m away, there was a lot of inconveniences faced by the sisters to reach school in time.So, our major superiors took the step to build a convent nearby the school for the smooth running of the school and the other activities like running the girls’ hostel, free tuition for the nearby village students. This dream was fulfilled in the year 2017, 12 July, when the newly built convent was blessed by Rev. Fr, Daniel Murmu, the parish priest in the presence of the then provincial Rev. Mother Annie and the then Regional Superior Mother Ritty. At present, the school is running very smoothly under the leadership and guidance of sisters.